
International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-21)

August 3-8, 2025, Xi'an, China

The 21st International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-21) will be the latest in a sequence that started with ICCG-1 in Boston, MA, USA in 1966, which marked the formation of the crystal growth community as an independent discipline rather than subsidiary to a number of other fields. The key principle is that the theory and practice of crystal growth is common across a range of materials and applications and that we have much to share with one another.

This conference series is sponsored by the International Organization of Crystal Growth (IOCG). ICCGE-21 was determined to be held in Xi'an through vote in IOCG meeting in Keystone of USA during the conference of ICCGE-19.


International Organization for Crystal Growth

Chinese Ceramic Society (CCS)

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Chinese Association for Crystal Growth, CCS

Honorary Chairs:

Yicheng Wu (Tianjing University of Technology, Tianjin)

Shining Zhu (Nanjing University, Nanjing)

Maochun Hong (Fujian Institute of Research on Structure of Mater, CAS, Fuzhou)

Yue Hao (Xidian University, Xi'an)

Ruiping Gao (Chinese Ceramic Society, Beijing)


Wanqi Jie (Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an)

Zhanggui Hu (Hefei University of Technology, Hefei)

Important Dates

March 15, 2025

Abstract submission deadline

April 15, 2025

Notification of abstract acceptance Start of early registration

May 15, 2025

End of early conference registration

July 15,2025

End of online registration

Program Summary

Time Mon, 4 Aug Tue, 5 Aug Wed,6 Aug Thu, 7 Aug Fri, 8 Aug
8:15- 9:00 Registration
9:00-9:45 Opening Ceremony Keynote Lectures Parallel Sessions Keynote Lectures Parallel Sessions
9:45-10:30 Keynote Lecture
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Keynote Lectures Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions
12:30-13:40 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:40—15:30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Excursion Parallel Sessions Close Ceremony
15:30—16:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:00—17:30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Poster Session
17:30—19:00 Poster Session Poster Session
19:00—22:00 Banquet

Call for nominations IOCG Prizes

The IOCG awards at every ICCGE conference three prizes: the Frank prize (fundamental contribution to the field), the Laudise prize (technological contribution to the field) and the Schieber prize (for an early career worker). The deadline for nominations is 1 April 2025. For details on the prizes and the procedure, see https://www.iocg.org/nominations

19th International Summer School on Crystal Growth
28 July to August 2, 2025 | China

© Copyright IInternational Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy-ICCGE-21 - All rights reserved.


Technical support: Xi'an Kaili Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Contact: hutong@kailimice.cn

Room 826, Rongmin International Building, Nanguangji Street, Beilin District, Xi'an, China